Registered office
Company secretary
Newpark REIT Limited (Registration number 2015/436550/06) 51 West Street Houghton Gauteng, 2198 (PO Box 3178, Gauteng, 2041)
Bronwyn Baker: 073 276 7348
Tel: +27 (0) 11 483 4700 Fax: +27 (0) 11 483 1799 Email:
Auri Benatar (CEO): +27 83 641 8181
Alan Wilson (CFO): +27 83 707 0363 |
Corporate advisor and bookrunner
Designated advisor
Java Capital Proprietary Limited (Registration number 2002/031862/07) 6A Sandown Valley Crescent Sandown Sandton, 2196 (PO Box 2087, Parklands, 2121)
Java Capital Trustees and Sponsors Proprietary Limited (Registration number 2006/005780/07) 6A Sandown Valley Crescent Sandown Sandton, 2196 (PO Box 2087, Parklands, 2121)
Independent property valuer
Cliffe Dekker Hofmeyr Inc. (Registration number 2008/018923/21) 11 Buitengracht Street Cape Town, 8001 (PO Box 695, Cape Town, 8000)
Quadrant Properties Proprietary Limited (Registration number 1995/003097/07) 16 North Road, Cnr Jan Smuts Avenue Dunkeld West, 2196 (PO Box 1984, Parklands, 2121)
Fullard.Mayer.Morrison Attorneys 4 Morris Street West Rivonia Johannesburg 2191 (P.O. Box 4475 Rivonia 2128)
Independent reporting accountants and auditors
Rand Merchant Bank, a division of FirstRand Limited (Registration number 1929/001225/06) 1 Merchant Place Cnr Fredman Drive & Rivonia Road Sandton, 2196 (PO Box 786273, Sandton, 2146 )
BDO South Africa Incorporated
52 Corlett Dr, Illovo, 2196 Private Bag X60500, Houghton, 2041, South Africa
Transfer secretaries
Computershare Investor Services Proprietary Limited (Registration number 2004/003647/07) Ground Floor 70 Marshall Street Johannesburg, 2001 (PO Box 61051, Marshalltown, 2107)
Place and date of Incorporation
Incorporated in South Africa on 7 December 2015